Tired of Amazon Subscriptions?

Ecommbar is a tool to view the summary of sales of your Amazon stores in the menubar without subscriptions.

Amazon Bar Tool

23+ sellers are waiting


Lifetime Deal

Forget infinite subscriptions


Up to 10 Amazon Accounts

All Marketplaces Available

If we do not support your marketplace, we will give you 50% of the license for free.

0 Clicks

Launch your PC and check your store sales without clicks.

Easy Customization

Change what you want to see in the menubar.

We Don't Store Data

We don't store financial data from your stores, synchronize your data with Google Drive.


Get early access for a discount

Join our waitlist and get access to Ecommbar for a discounted early-bird prices.

Lifetime Payment

Get the metrics of your Amazon accounts in your taskbar without paying subscriptions.

$149$97 / Per License

  • No subscriptions

  • Lifetime software updates

  • Up to 10 seller accounts

  • Push notifications

  • All marketplaces

  • Use your own proxy

Join waitlist

No credit card required.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

The app allows you to get the data of all the Amazon stores you have (up to 10) and make the requests yourself, without selling your data to any third party. With 0 clicks you can see the status of your Amazon business.

We don't store data, so our model is a one-time payment model with no server costs. Users must register their own private app to securely access their data. Along with the license, we send you a video explaining how to set up the app.

Yes, we are currently an MVP so we continue to work on adding functionalities that our users require.

You have support through our private Telegram channel, which you have access to after purchase.

The app can only be used on one device, but it supports multiple platforms (macOS and Windows).

Yes, you can connect up to 10 different stores per license.

Yes, there are no limitations in that aspect.

Amazon Data Without Subscriptions & Third parties

Get your Amazon Data, locally and forever!